Want to Do Some Good Selling Great Gifts & Presents?

This Is Travel’s visitors love to take home gifts that are good for them and good for the planet. If you’re producing something wonderful, or work with local artisans then we’d love to help spread the word. We’re looking for gifts that have a positive impact on the local environment and put money into the hands of the people that really need it.

If we love what you do we’ll add your products to our shop filled with socially responsible and eco-conscious gifts and buy them to give to our favorite clients.

We want to hear from you and help you on your mission to reach our audience of socially-conscious travelers. These are visitors that appreciate all the hard work you put in to offer a superior experience that’s good for you, good for the visitor and good for Colombia.

We help good people (you — our very special local partners) do great things.

Help Us to Make a Difference.

All we need to know at this stage is that you believe that the destination is more than just a place to plunder, that you give a f*** about the people you work with, as much as you do about turning a profit.

If that sounds like you, then hit the button below and let’s get to work on making Colombia a better place for everyone.

This Is Not for Everyone.

We most definitely don’t want to work with everyone. There are plenty of Colombian Travel Agencies and craft websites doing that.

We’re not interested in working with people who take more than they give, or careless event organizers that show no concern for the impact they have on the place they co-habit with others.

We’d be happy to work with you if you take what you make ultra seriously, if you’re committed to taking care of the places that allow us, and others, to earn a decent living, and if you genuinely believe that travel should put people’s hard-earned holiday money into the hands of good people doing great things.

If that sounds like you, here’s a few reasons why you might want to contact us.


You believe in the three Ps together.

You’re creating things that are fully nested in the place, that you understand the triple bottom line of People, Planet and Profit. You understand that the planet’s resources are finite and fragile and that we have a duty to protect them, that people working with a purpose make travel more exciting and that we can only really calculate our profits and losses when we have put these living assets on the balance sheet. If you want to learn more about our approach we work with regenerative agency, Dear Wise Earth, to assess the impact we are having on the planet. We’d love to learn how you measure your impact (positive and negative) on our planet.

You want to make a difference to Colombia.

We help good people do great things. That means we want to connect people who care about where they spend their money with the most remarkable people doing incredible things for Colombia and its people. You care as much as we do about This Is Travel’s customers spending their hard-earned dollars on truly transformative gifts and presents that have a positive difference on their lives and those of the people they come into contact with. Your gifts should be grounded in the place they come from and celebrate local culture and indigenous wisdom.

You don’t want to be just another date in the diary.

You share our belief that life’s too short to blindly follow in the footsteps of a million others. You are an expert in showing people how to head off the beaten path and discover the most incredible, truly authentic things on offer in Colombia. You are passionate about this country even if that means taking our customers out of their comfort zone. You don’t just give them what they think they already know, instead you serve them up the context they need to see the bigger picture. The objects, gifts and creative output you specialize in should transform people. We want them to go home feeling a real connection with the place. Ideally you should be building something in the destination not just be looking for a way to make a quick buck. We’ll publish our favorite products in our online shop and handpick our favorite products to gift to our top clients.

You’re not cheap but you offer real value.

Like us you understand that doing great things often requires charging more but by setting your price higher than others it means that it is also imperative to offer something of genuine value to the visitor and that premium needs to be shared all the way along the chain. As the King of transformative events, Tony Robbins, says, “the secret to living is giving”. If you’re not onboard with that then maybe we’re not a good fit.

This Is What We Love Doing.

(But we’re only as good as our amazing local partners).

A Magical Honeymoon.

Magician Mike and his wonderful wife Sami booked a 10-night honeymoon with us through an agency client. They had absolutely no idea what we had planned for them (they only learned they were traveling to Colombia at JFK airport) but they trusted us to organize every minute of their trip. We showed them Colombia one magical surprise at a time and they loved it.


“You brought us the most magical experience of our lives.”

— Mike & Sami

Boxing Clever in Cartagena.

We took a fantastic group of ladies that punch (then lunch) from New York and threw them into the ring in the grass roots gyms of Cartagena. Sweaty workouts in the morning — island hopping in the afternoon. They left more than just a bruised cheek on their sparring partners, helping to fund three potential world beaters in one of the local boxing schools.


Social Movers and Shakers.

When a group of maverick entrepreneurs chose Cartagena for their annual get together, we worked with them to ensure their trip involved some truly unique experiences. The three-day trip included a tree-planting ceremony, a street party networking event and a 3-day workshop to empower local social entrepreneurs.

Some more people that love This Is Travel.

Let’s Get to Work.

If you like the sound of working with us then please hit the button below and leave us some simple information on why you think we should be working together and we’ll get back to you if we’re reading from the same hymn sheet.